Not for all the tea in China movie clip

Not for all the tea in China 可不是不是为了全中国的茶

Not for all the tea in China


短语"Not for all the tea in China"源于19世纪英国,那时中国的茶叶在英国广受欢迎,因此“all the tea in China (中国所有的茶)”象征着巨大的财富。使用这个短语时常用于否定句,意味着无论给予多少好处或者金钱,我都不会去做某件事。例如:“Even if you offered me a million dollars, I wouldn't jump out of a plane. Not for all the tea in China!”(即使你给我一百万美元,我也不会跳伞。有天大的好处也不干!)



短语"Not for all the tea in China"起源于19世纪晚期至20世纪初,由于当时中国生产的茶叶数量巨大,而这个短语出现的时候,中国的茶叶生产量大约占世界的四分之一。因此,拒绝“全中国的茶”去做某事意味着无论提供什么样的诱惑,都决心不去做它。另有说法称该短语源自澳大利亚,证据是J.J. Mann的旅行日志《Round the world in a motor car》(1914年),书中提到:“For anybody that has not got a white skin...an education standard was established, and if the unlucky Indian does not happen to know all the languages of Europe he is floored in his examination, and must stay outside. One is not even allowed to bring in a black servant, and when I applied to the authorities for permission to bring Samand with me, the reply was : 'Not for all the tea in China.'”。