high time movie clip

high time 可不是愉快时间

high time


短语"high time"并不是“很高的时间”,而是指迫切需要立即开始或进行某项行动的时刻,通俗来说就是“再不做就来不及了”。例如:It's 1:00 PM now; it's high time for lunch.. 现在已经是下午13点了,再不去吃午饭就来不及了



“high time”这个短语最初起源于13世纪,它指的是一天中最温暖的时间,即太阳在天空中最高的时候。在那个时代,人们大多是农民,工作时间一般都是白天,high time这个时间点标志着一天的转折点,一天已经过半了,你必须已经在地里完成了很多工作,或者你必须立即开始工作。随着时间的推移,这个短语被用来指任何活动必须开始的时间,因为最佳时间已经过去。在莎士比亚1590年的戏剧《Comedy of Errors(错误的喜剧)》中就使用了这个短语:“There's none but witches do inhabit here; And therefore 'tis high time that I were hence. She that doth call me husband, even my soul Doth for a wife abhor. But her fair sister, Possess'd with such a gentle sovereign grace, Of such enchanting presence and discourse, Hath almost made me traitor to myself: But, lest myself be guilty to self-wrong, I'll stop mine ears against the mermaid's song.”